Wednesday, January 7, 2015

“What's your favorite…” Q&A - Part 1

While deliberating as to what to use this blog for, I came across these 50 Questions to Get to Know Someone. For me, personally, this blog is a way to see my thoughts in order to better understand the way my mind works. As an aspiring writer and proud owner of an anxiety disorder, what better way to learn about myself than to answer creative questions posted on a humor website?

I suppose I'll just start from the top of the list and finish it...when I finish it.

1.  What was your favorite food when you were a child?

Sushi has been my favorite food for as long as I can remember. I lived in Hawaii for a short time when I was young, and, naturally, acquired a taste for raw fish. My dad likes to tell people (proudly) about a temper tantrum I threw in an Alabama supermarket when he wouldn't buy me raw fish.

Today, when asked which one food I would most like to be served for every meal of the rest of my life, my answer remains the same--sushi. Think about it. Sometimes you could eat only the rice, and other times only the fish. The combinations of sushi ingredients are endless. Well, maybe not endless, but sushi would be incredibly more palatable over a long period of time than any other foods.

Not a fan of healthy food? Try fried sushi! It's delicious, trust me.

2.  What's the #1 most played song on your iPod?

We Didn't Start the Fire - Billy Joel

...also known as my hiccup song. When I get the hiccups, I sing the song as fast as I can without breathing in order to get rid of them. Does it work? No clue. Is it fun? Absolutely.

Fun fact: I know all the words to the song. Beat that.

To be continued...

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