Tuesday, December 1, 2015

30 Day Challenge Fail

I had some momentum going as far as my writing goes, but it fell and crashed as soon as I got back to school. I would write more and just backdate the posts, but finals are coming up and I figure I should probably focus my attention on studying. 

Moment of truth: I broke my writing streak because I went to my first college football game. I don't understand the sport at all, but I made it onto the largest video scoreboard in college history! 

In case I, or anyone else, would like to complete the challenge, here are the rest of the prompts from Thought Catalog: 

9. Give 14 pieces of advice to a teen who is graduating high school.
10. Write the autobiography of the life you weren’t brave enough to lead.
11. Write a love story from end to beginning.
12. Pick a person you can’t stand and write a letter describing every wonderful thing about them.
13. Write a love scene from the point of view of your character’s hands.
14. Turn the thing that makes you the angriest into a poem.
15. Write about the way things should have been.
16. Write your own obituary honestly.
17. The person you loved who didn’t love you back.
18. A coffee date with the person you were a year ago.
19. The horrible secret the grocery clerk was hiding.
20. Write a love story starring your algebra teacher.
21. Write a letter to your future self.
22. Write about writing.
23. You approach a stranger on the street and ask them to tell you one thing they have never told anybody. What do they tell you?
24. You only have room for 5 things on your bucket list – what are they?
25. Describe the exact day you just had, but from the point of view of a psychopath.
26. Personify regret.
27. Write the back cover of the fiction novel that is based on your life in high school.
28. Detail the adventures of a day where you say “Yes” to everything.
29. How do you feel about love these days?
30. Write ten facebook status updates written by yourself in 2025.

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