Monday, July 20, 2015

How To Win With Random Roommates

For my first year in college, I rented an apartment walking distance from campus. Because few of my friends were going to be in the city with me, I opted to be placed with random roommates. My apartment company gave me a survey to match me with compatible students, and voila, I was given two roommates. 

Thanks to my wonderful year with said roommates, I have been able to compile a list of tips regarding living with people you've previously never met.

How To Win With Random Roommates:
  1. If you are given a "matchmaking" survey, tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I've had too many friends say they are alright living with someone who has certain habits that ultimately drive them insane. 
  2. Create a system for sharing and/or purchasing food. For example, my roommates and I decided that we can eat each other's food, but we had to replace it later. In addition, we took turns buying staples like butter, eggs, and milk. If you are not comfortable sharing food with your roommates, or would rather pool money for groceries, let them know. I can almost guarantee they cannot read your mind. 
  3. Find things that you have in common, and share the things that you like. When we moved in together, I suggested doing yoga to my roommates. They laughed and called me crazy. Several months later, we instituted a "roommate yoga night," which was a great way to spend time together and unwind. 
  4. Stay on top of housekeeping. No matter how messy you keep your room (for me, that is VERY messy), common areas have to stay clean for everyone to maintain their sanity. When the dishes are dirty, do them. When the trash needs to be emptied, empty it. When everyone pitches in, keeping the apartment clean is easier, and many fights can be avoided. 
  5. Don't be annoying. If you know your roommate has an early class, don't throw a late night party. If your roommate has a pet peeve, avoid doing what pisses them off. Being a decent human being is easy, and being a decent roommate even more so. 
You don't have to love your roommates. Frankly, you don't even have to like them. With random roommates, being able to coexist is the goal. A closer relationship is just bonus!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

“What's your favorite…” Q&A - Part 3

Now for the last installment of the "What's your favorite..." portion of the Q&A! Get psyched, folks. 

7. What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?

Time of day: Nap time.

Day of the week: Friday, but only if I have something to look forward to on the weekend. If not, Thursday (so I can look forward to Friday).

Month of the year: October. 

8. What is your least favorite mode of transportation?

I am a huge advocate for public transportation, but I strongly dislike buses. I just don't enjoy being jolted around a glorified tin can with people I don't know, some of which who smell. Major props to anyone to takes the bus every day. You are the true hero. 

9. What is your favorite body part?

My nose. Sometimes I can see it, and sometimes I can't. How cool is that? Plus, my nose ring reflects light, which keeps me entertained in dull times. 

Also, things like this exist and never fail to amuse me:

10. What sound do you love?

I absolutely love the sound of rain at night, especially during thunderstorms. Storms give me an extra reason to wrap myself up tightly in my blankets, and they are fantastic to watch if I ever have trouble sleeping.

Looks like I have finished the first section of the 50 Questions to Get to Know Someone. Up next, "What if..." questions.