Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Shared Experiences

There's something very reassuring about knowing other people in the world have shared some of your experiences. I'm very much drawn to the field of psychology because I want to understand why the chemicals in my head do what they do, and how those same chemicals influence other people differently. I've found that quite a few people are drawn to the subject for similar reasons.

This past semester, I took a class called Research Methods. Auburn University requires the class before taking most other psychology classes. Because it's required, the class draws a large crowd of psychology students, all who love the field and many of which share certain experiences. During this class, I met another person with OCD--the first time I'd met anyone with OCD. As we talked, I felt myself sigh several times with relief. There was a real human being sitting next to me who understood how I felt on a daily basis.

Me: I'm sorry, but I just overheard your conversation. You have OCD?
Her: Yes, I do.
Me: Oh my goodness, me too.
Her: Real OCD?
Me: I think so. It seems pretty real. Do you count?
Her: Yep. I have to wash my hands a certain amount every night. My boyfriend makes so much fun of me.

And just like that, I was no longer alone.

We may not have exactly the same experiences--for instance, I don't count things, I have a song constantly stuck in my head--but knowing someone else near me understood what I felt made a world of a difference.

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