Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Summoner’s Tale

A few years ago, in high school, I was assigned "The Summoner's Tale" from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales to rewrite as I saw fit, as long as the story remained under 300 words. For those unfamiliar with the work, a short description of the character can be found here. The general goal of the Summoner is to make fun of the role of the Friar, especially by making him look unholy. 

In an effort to post on a regular basis, and despite a severe lack of creativity at the moment, I figured I'd share an old piece. Maybe it'll give some literary aficionado somewhere a good laugh.

The Summoner’s Tale

“I have been chosen for a special pilgrimage,” bragged the humble friar as he held out a basket for food.  “God bless,” the old woman mumbled, dropping some bread, before quickly latching her door.

Satisfied with his provisions, the friar examined his map. First, he was to first travel toward Depford and help someone in need. He hurried down the path, only to find a tavern blocking the way. The friar entered, hesitantly, and waited to ask for directions. “Help!” cried an old man. “My friend has left me alone to drink.” The friar rushed to the needy man, and faithfully remained by his side until both men were sufficiently drunk and happy.  

The friar stumbled out the door towards Rochester where he was commanded to give charity. The long path was covered in newly bloomed roses, so the friar collected a handful as he went. After many hours of traveling, the friar encountered a family of beggars resting beside the path. “Food,” they called. The friar considered their request. He needed the food to sustain himself for the rest of his pilgrimage--how was he supposed to give it away? The friar surveyed his belongings. “These people are so ragged,” he thought. “They could certainly use flowers to brighten their clothes.” He passed the flowers to the family, smiling, and continued without waiting to be thanked.

The friar traveled onward to Sittingbourne, where he was set to preach the word of God to a group of criminals. A while down the path, he found a hole spouting smoke. As he leaned in to take a closer look, the friar slipped and fell into an enclosed room surrounded by flames. “Welcome,” said the devil. “It seems you can’t read a map.”